A Photo Everyday for a Year!

This is my 365 Project!
We shall call it "Bree! 365". I will be taking a photo a day for the next year!! I am going to start doing "Theme Week" and "Theme Month" and choose different themes from time to time! So it should be a lot of fun! I'll try and upload everyday, but it might be every few days.
Thanks for checking it out!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

19 -- March 30, 2010

I didn't set this shot up. This is seriously what I walked out and saw at my in-laws house. Thought it was too great of a shot to pass up!!

18 -- March 29, 2010

This little kitty is built for speed!

This is my mom's little kitty, Mousey! Totally cute.

17 -- March 28, 2010

I used to smash my fingers in this water spout thing all the time when I was little! Idk why I felt the urge to photograph it, but it was kinda cool and rustic, even though it has since been painted aqua! The sky and the hill behind it just seemed like it would make a cool photo!

Dramatic Black & White -- iheartfaces contest!

I was lucky enough to be asked by one of my best friends, Michelle, (who is an amazing belly dancer!) to come and take some pictures of her group of Belly Dancers, who we rehearsing for a big show the next day. Now, I was having some issues with my flash, and lighting was giving me troubles as well, so I was nervous that none of the pictures would have come out the way I wanted... But as soon as I got home and uploaded them I realized the lighting was PERFECT for the mood I wanted and was almost glad the flash decided to be stubborn that day.

This picture stood out the most to me, and seems like everyone else that saw the pics, also took notice of this particular one, as well. And for good reason! She's unique, beautiful and talented, and I think this picture captures her perfectly. Make sure to click on it to get the bigger version!

I am entering this picture in a contest for iheartfaces.blogspot.com
View my full photography blog at http://punkybreester.shutterfly.com/ & my 365 Project at http://bree365.blogspot.com

Sunday, March 28, 2010

16 -- March 27, 2010

A beautiful river walk...

and a powerplant on top of the mountain.

Shows just where our world is headed!

But still, powerplant aside, this walk is beautiful and I plan on walking it with my loved ones often!

15 -- March 26, 2010

"What you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it." -- Ghandi

This movie is amazing. It really touched me, and I think it has a really important message about life and love...

Watched it twice so far...

14 -- March 25, 2010

I miss you, Grandpa....

13 -- March 24, 2010

Nick woke me up and told me to look out the little window on our front door...well, usually our dog, Jazz, acts like she's just so tough, but with these big guys right in front of her fence...she was scared! She just sat on our front steps and stared at them...they even came up and sniffed her water bowl!! I guess she's not so tough after all! It's crazy that these guys came up that close to our house, we see them in the neighborhood but it's always neat to see em so up close!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

12 -- March 23, 2010

Just love the look of this old screen. Just so tattered and old.

12 -- March 22, 2010

Such a good looking kid! I couldn't help but take another picture of my brother, Alex. He just looks so good in this old truck! He wants to drive so bad, but I think he's got like 2 more years to go!

11 - March 21, 2010

Okay, so this picture just shows how much I need to dust! But, I thought it brought a little something to the picture! Kinda made this happy scene a little bit creepy!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

10 -- March 20, 2010

Dreaming of a better place.

9 -- March 19, 2010

So, since I have 2 dogs, house sitting at a house full of cats is quite a change for me!!  But these 2 are such cuddlers I just can't help but have that "I need a cat" feeling!!  UNTIL -- it's night time and they run amuck all over the house!! And Little Dippy breaks into my "bedroom" because all you have to do is push on the door to open it.  Can I have a little peace and quiet here guys?! (That's Rudy on top, Precious on bottom... not pictured is Little Dippy and Izzit... but I am sure by the time this blog is done, I will have pics of all them!) 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

8 -- March 18, 2010

I drive past these really cool rock formations everyday going into Farmington, and always think I should stop and take a few shots. But it's like right on the side of the road, and forgive me for not wanting to get ran over!! This is only one of the many cool ones, and maybe another time the other ones will make it onto my blog!! I just thought the sky was too pretty to pass up today! And I made it without becoming roadkill!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

7 -- March 17, 2010

I got this awesome Mickey Mouse statue for Christmas 2 years ago. Yes, Christmas. Thankfully, we have a gift shop around here that sells Halloween stuff and Christmas stuff simultaneously all year round! Love this little guy!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

6 -- March 16, 2010

While I was wondering around my parents house and yard today looking for inspiration for my picture for today, I wasn't really coming up with much. My little brother, Alex, was wandering around with me and said, "That light looks cool!" So, I decided to take a few shots of it and after I am uploaded em once I got home I ended up really liking how it came out! So I did a little post processing and came up with, I think, I pretty neat shot of a plain old motion light :D

5 -- March 15, 2010

What do you want me to say about this one? She's the love of my life!! This is Jazz, my 4 year old pit bull. She looves cuddling with blankets and she just always looks so cute I prob have taken THOUSANDS of pictures of her since we got her when she was a puppy.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

4 -- March 14, 2010

A gift from my Sister-in-law and her family for my husband and I's very first wedding anniversary!! Donald and Daisy Duck!! They are huge and SO soft.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

3 -- March 13, 2010

After we went and volunteered at the Red Cross today, we went to the park near the river and just wondered around a bit. We went down these little rock steps and it led us to a really neat view of the bridge and water. So beautiful! I wonder how different it would look in the summer? I will have to come back in the summer and fall and take a few shots and compare :D I got all year to shoot, right? Might as well take advantage!

2 -- March 12, 2010

I was staying the night at my mom's house last night, because we had to wake up super early to go help out at the Red Cross an hour away in Colorado. Well, technically it's the house behind my mom's house, where my grandma used to live. Well, on the dresser of the room I was staying in, I saw this little guy. My little brother, Brian, who is now 13, used to carry this little guy around with him EVERYWHERE he went. Just clutched in his little fist. I can't remember quite what age, but I would say prob about 2 or 3. They went absolutely everywhere together. And looking at it now just makes me smile because you can see how much he was loved, with all his paint worn off from Brian's tiny little hands clutching him all the time.

Friday, March 12, 2010

1 -- March 11, 2010

My first day of blogging for the next year!! This one was inspired by the fact that my little brothers are OBSESSED with texting. It's hard to believe they have cell phones, really, because I didn't get a cell phone till I was about 21 or 22. I hung out with my bros most of the day, and they had their phones in front of their faces most of the time. So I thought that this picture would be perfect to portray that!! Also, I thought about photoshopping out all of this ruggedness on his hands...but I thought that kinda makes the picture! To show he's just a rough and tough 13 year old!

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