A Photo Everyday for a Year!

This is my 365 Project!
We shall call it "Bree! 365". I will be taking a photo a day for the next year!! I am going to start doing "Theme Week" and "Theme Month" and choose different themes from time to time! So it should be a lot of fun! I'll try and upload everyday, but it might be every few days.
Thanks for checking it out!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

13 -- March 24, 2010

Nick woke me up and told me to look out the little window on our front door...well, usually our dog, Jazz, acts like she's just so tough, but with these big guys right in front of her fence...she was scared! She just sat on our front steps and stared at them...they even came up and sniffed her water bowl!! I guess she's not so tough after all! It's crazy that these guys came up that close to our house, we see them in the neighborhood but it's always neat to see em so up close!


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