A Photo Everyday for a Year!

This is my 365 Project!
We shall call it "Bree! 365". I will be taking a photo a day for the next year!! I am going to start doing "Theme Week" and "Theme Month" and choose different themes from time to time! So it should be a lot of fun! I'll try and upload everyday, but it might be every few days.
Thanks for checking it out!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

22 -- April 2, 2010

There was like actually 200 (give or take a few!) pictures that I took on this day! But gosh, I almost couldn't decide which one I would use for my ONE picture of the day! It almost isn't fair I have to choose only one! But I got some feedback, and ended up choosing this one (and the others just might make an appearance elsewhere on my main blog!)

This is of a beyootiful girl that my boss, Amy, and I took pictures of for her Quinceanera. She looked gorgeous and the house we took them in was amazing!! Thinking about moving in there! haha


Dramatic Imaging said...

Bree you are so awesome! I love this. You are so inspiring! Keep it up every day!

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