A Photo Everyday for a Year!

This is my 365 Project!
We shall call it "Bree! 365". I will be taking a photo a day for the next year!! I am going to start doing "Theme Week" and "Theme Month" and choose different themes from time to time! So it should be a lot of fun! I'll try and upload everyday, but it might be every few days.
Thanks for checking it out!

Friday, May 21, 2010

58 -- May 17, 2010

Okay, so, I know I am trying to lose some weight...but when you walk by the Chocolate Factory and they have an apple covered in the goodies that make one of the most wonderful and delish foods on earth...S'mores!...how could I pass that up? I couldn't. Hence, why this is half eaten. And yes, the apple got a little old because we had a full day of shopping after we bought it, but believe me, a few hours old apple covered in S'mores was absolute heaven!!


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