A Photo Everyday for a Year!

This is my 365 Project!
We shall call it "Bree! 365". I will be taking a photo a day for the next year!! I am going to start doing "Theme Week" and "Theme Month" and choose different themes from time to time! So it should be a lot of fun! I'll try and upload everyday, but it might be every few days.
Thanks for checking it out!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Busy busy busy!

Sorry everyone for being soo behind on pictures all the time!! I do have pics for every day I've missed though! I just started a second job as a 911 Call Taker and I must wake up at 6:15am every day, and work till 5! So, needless to say I haven't had too heck of a lot of time to be on the internet!! But I promise I will have them up soon! Thanks everyone for being so patient and still keeping an eye on the blog :)


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