A Photo Everyday for a Year!

This is my 365 Project!
We shall call it "Bree! 365". I will be taking a photo a day for the next year!! I am going to start doing "Theme Week" and "Theme Month" and choose different themes from time to time! So it should be a lot of fun! I'll try and upload everyday, but it might be every few days.
Thanks for checking it out!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

31 -- April 17, 2010

Amy and I shot a Quinceanera yesterday and it was gorgeous!! SO many beyootiful things it was hard to choose just one to blog about.

So, even though there were billions of things to take pictures of, I thought this would be a good one to post. There were tons of elaborate things (like the cake...in the shape of the Eiffel Tower!!), but I thought this was just such a simple beauty. And I couldn't choose just one of the shoe, because I thought both had it's perks!

So I decided to post both. Maybe that'll make up for the like 4 I missed this week :D


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